Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My life story

To write about something in my life was difficult, to talk about something that has happened to me and my family was hard enough because everything about me i have kept from everybody else.the easy part was finding a topic, the hard part was explaining it and deciding to stick with that topic.

The first part in writing my short story was thinking about what happened and  making  a way of explaining it. I didn't want to take it to personal so i wanted to write about something going on in school or my social life. Then i thought i could write about something that i could really explain and that maybe someone could relate to.

It started out with explaining my grief and how i felt, but i didn't want to make it just about me  i wanted to include the feelings of my whole family, what as i felt of the sickness of my father. My father had just suffered a stroke in January, we all suffered there was pain everywhere, there was a point we didn't know what to do. 

There was suffering everywhere and there still is, how to explain it i have no clue. The only way for closure is to bring it out. 

So what i did was write about how it made me feel and edited to where others could understand my pain and my families pain. To see My story

1 comment:

  1. I like how you explore why you selected your topic here; however, you do not write about the process of your writing at all: the words you chose and why, the phrases you chose and why. Remember, writers are purposeful about the moves they make. We need you thinking about how you construct meaning. Oh, and that lower case i, which should be I, should never happen in your formal, or informal for that matter, writing. 2
